Sim Farm S.A.

Dragonscale Monastery

Available Now

Welcome to Dragonscale Monastery. Harness the power of the mountains and step into the role of a leader of a monastery isolated from the world. Your task will be to develop the sanctuary and delve into the mysteries of breeding extraordinary dragons.



  • Mountain terrain: Prepare yourself for an exceptionally challenging mix of building mechanics, meticulous planning, and strategic use of resources. Construct bridges and ladders to reach hard-to-access rock ledges. Wisely choose your structures to fully exploit the potential of the highly limited terrain.

  • Dragon breeding: Master the complex art of dragon breeding, pair the best specimens, discover new species and their hidden powers. Earn the favor of rulers upon whose goodwill your fate depends.

  • City-building: Transform a modest encampment into a bustling dragon haven. Balance monk and dragon needs while managing resources and navigating your space constraints.

  • Survival elements: Face the tough living conditions on top of the mountain. Deal with the outcomes of your choices. Winter hardships, hunger, and troubles with dragon care can wipe out all your hard work and reputation.

  • Exploration and discovery: Organize dangerous expeditions. Choose the most resilient scouts, uncover rare resources and discover previously unknown species of dragons.

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